Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1 Year Anniversary!

This is a tad belated, but 2/8/10 was our 1 year anniversary!

2009 was a solid year. We brewed around 55 gallons of quality home brewed beer! We expect bigger and better in 2010! Cheers.

Amarillo IPA Photos

Photos from the Amarillo IPA brew day. As you can see from the first picture, it was a great day! We will be holding a contest to name this beer. Keep your names coming!

Nutsacks anyone?
Wort boiling

Party like a rock star!

Fermenting Fun!
(partial) Sunday Brewing Co.

Yes, Ladies... He is single.

Oatmeal Stout Photos

Just some photos of the Oatmeal Stout... nothing too exciting here. I figured i'll post some photos of what I have on hand..
Cooling down wort in 20+ inches of snow.

Steeping grains

It's Been A Long Lonely, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely.. Time!

Wow, last post was from May... I apologize for the lack of updates... Here has what has happened since May:

Good News:
- Brewed Amarillo IPA (1st Sunday Brewing Co. recipe)
- Brewed Oatmeal Stout

Bad (Sad) News:
- Brewed, bottled and drank a Porter
- Brewed, bottled and drank an Octoberfest
- Bottled and drank Dunkelweizen
- Bottled and drank Summer Ale Clone
- Bottled and drank Sierra Nevada IPA Clone
- Bottled and partially drank Farmhouse Ale

Medium News:
- Bottle Conditioning Belgian Dubbel