Taster: Mark Blaszczyk
Name of Beer: Fat Tire Amber Ale (clone)
Type: Amber
Brewery: Sunday Brewing Co.
Date: 4/25/09
Basic Scoring:_7_ Presentation (10) - Observe the head, the consistency, the color, the clarity, the aroma…
_12_ Taste (20) - Use terms like fruity, dry, smooth, metallic, yeasty, alcoholic to help score.
_7_ Body (10) - Was this beer creamy, bubbly, hearty, thick or thin? Was it a good temperature? Was the 'mouthfeel' good(+) or bad(-)? Why?
_4_ Drinkability (5) - When finished, did you want to go out an get a six pack (+) or dump the rest of the bottle (-)?
_2_ Empty Glass Factor (5) - A trace of the ring in the glass (+) A very clean glass (-). The best beers leave a nice ring of foam. Drinking from the bottle scores a 2.
BASIC SCORE (50) __32__Alternate Scoring:_8_ Aroma (12) - Comment on malt, hops, esters, and other aromatics.
_2_ Appearance (3) - Comment on color, clarity, and head (retention, color, and texture)
_12_ Flavor (20) - Comment on malt, hops, fermentation characteristics, balance, finish/aftertaste, and other characteristics
_3_ Mouthfeel (5) - Comment on body, carbonation, warmth, creaminess, tartness, bitterness and other palate sensations
_6_ Overall Impression (10) - Comment on overall drinking pleasure associated with this beer and give suggestions for improvement
Outstanding (84-100)
Excellent: (68-83)
Very Good: (52-67)
Good: (36-51)
Fair: (20-35)
Poor: (0-19)
Comments: I think this beer went pretty well with only a few mistakes. The overall taste is great. The color seems a bit dark due to steeping the grains at too high of a temperature. Also, some bottles may have been over carbonated. The head is nice during the inital pour, but it does not leave a ring around the glass. I will try tweaking this recipie a little next time it is brewed, but overall, it is a pretty decent beer!