Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Corny Kegs

Last night, Joe and I pulled out 6 corny kegs (5 gallon stainless steel) from his garage that were left over from parties from who knows when..

Out of the 6 kegs, 5 are pin-lock kegs and 1 ball-lock keg. Either can be used for kegging but the newer ones, ball-lock, are preferred over pin-lock kegs. Tomorrow we will be going to the Homebrew Supply shop and will see what type of parts/conversion kits we would need to modify the pin-lock kegs. More to come on this...

Open top on pin-lock keg
3 pin-lock kegs
All the kegs (ball-lock - middle left hand row)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oatmeal Stout Bottles

The Oatmeal Stout was bottled yesterday 2/28/2010. This will be the first batch of beer in 2010. Below are some photos of the day.

Bottle of delicious Oatmeal Stout
Case of Oatmeal Stout (labeled and capped)
Bottle & Label
Applying Labels
Cleaning equipment